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Kuan Tung Formation
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Kuan Tung Fm base reconstruction

Kuan Tung Fm

Silurian, Devonian

Age Interval: 
latest Silurian–Early Devonian (3)

Sibumasu: Lower Peninsula

Type Locality and Naming

Named after a small limestone hill’s name, between Km post 7-10 Langu- Thung Wa road by Wongwanich et al. (1990). Parent unit: Middle formation of the Thong Pha Phum Gr (Wongwanich, 1990), but Ridd (2011) assigned as uppermost unit of the Satun Gr.

[Figure: Sketch geological map (from various sources) of the southern part of Peninsular Thailand and Langkawi Island of Malaysia. Note that Thai stratigraphic nomenclature has been extended to Langkawi Island (Ridd. 2011)]

Synonym: แบบควนตุง

Lithology and Thickness

Lower member of this carbonate formation is 15 m thick, massively bedded, grey to brownish grey calcisiltite limestone with thin argillaceous layers. Middle member, 44 m thick, consists of pink to red and grey calcisiltite limestone with fossils and minor calcarenites with fine argillaceous layers, 10–50 thick beds and some chert nodules. Upper member, 46 m thick, is red, well-bedded micrite limestone, interbedded with thin, reddish brown argillaceous layers and small algal polygons of deeper-water stromatolites on the top of the beds. This red stromatolitic limestone is very similar to that of the underlying Pa Kae Fm, interpreted as a shallow-water to deep-pelagic base-of-slope deposit (Wongwanich & Boucot, 2011). Thickness: Total thickness is 105 m

[Figure: Composite stratigraphic section of the Upper Ordovician to Carboniferous near Ban Thung Samet, between Km 10 and Km 11 on the Langu to Thung Wa road in Satun Province. From Ridd (2011), which is modified after Wongwanich et al. 2002).]

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Wang Tong Fm (unconformable)

Upper contact

Pa Samed Fm (conformable)

Regional extent

Lower Peninsula. Correlation: Upper Setul Limestone Fm on Langkawi island, Malaysia.




Emsian trilobites (Fortey 1989; see Boucot et al. 1999 for age modification) and the Early Devonian conodonts (Long & Burrett 1989a) Pandorinella steinhornensis and Pseudoenotodus kuantungensis from grey limestone in the upper part of the middle member 6 (Wongwanich & Boucot, 2011). Deeper-water stromatolites.


Ridd (2011; Fig. 3.3) implies spans Pridoli to late-Early Devonian.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Shallow to deep-pelagic deposit

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information

Wen Du - modified from Wangwanich & Boucot, 2011, Chapter 4 Devonian and from Ridd. M.F., 2011, Chapter 3 Lower Palaeozoic; both in: Ridd, M.F., Barber, A.J., and Grow, M.J., editors, The Geology of Thailand, Geol. Soc. of London.
Lexicon of Stratigraphic Names of Thailand of 2013.